Whenever I try to explain to someone the origins of The Maakika I get odd looks. I have no idea why, unless the people I'm explaining this to have no artistic minds and have never known a fevered mind!
However, the story I told on the original Maakika Art site in 2008 is factual. These pieces have been called some of the best work I've done -my comic work getting swiftly dismissed! I'm also told, though I never saw it that way myself until I went through all the pieces again, that the pieces seem to form a type of mythology or at least hint at one. I'll let YOU decide.
The Origins
"What is Maakika Art?" I get asked that a great deal and to be honest it is a very brief story!
2006 I had a serious respiratory infection. It came and went but,in
2007,it came back with a vengeance over several months and with
complications I thought it would see me shift this mortal coil -and I am NOT joking!
May, 2007, it got really bad. Then, suddenly,pouring with sweat, while seated on a bus, my mind
started getting a rush of images -maybe 50-60. I got home exhausted but I sat down and began to
draw. Honestly, at 50 years of age I had drawn many things but these new images were
so out of my usual frame of image reference that I was stumped.
drew a few, sat back and thought "What the bloody hell have I drawn?!"
Almost instantly the word "Maakika" [pronounced "Mah-kee-kah"] came into
my head. At the same time I got the definition "solid black and white
art under guidance from the Maakika". Ahh, a fevered mind -and no drugs involved!
searched the word on the internet, in books and anywhere else I can but
it seems not to exist. I cannot find anything similar.
And with each came a title or description.
So,a divine gift from the Maakika pantheon seems credible!
And lucky.
original images are all 21x29cms and though I've not parted with the
first "inspired" drawings which look crude to my eye, several were sold
for between £150-£300 each.
I still have the
original images in my mind [they won't shift!] but I've been inspired
to work on larger images [60x42cms].
So,if you have any questions or comments get in touch! The best email address to use is:
And remember:only one person does Maakika art -me (and I have absolutely no idea what's coming next!)
The Maakika Art
Maakika Band -The Makinii
The Maakika hatchlings played under the watchful Mother Tree Timipu
Kathassi knew the time was coming
Tinikia knew that the egg was special
The Divine Beholder
Falaasoo the Radical
Idembo The World Shaker was angry
Mabwaanaa shouldered the burden
The Waltz Was Sweet -The Makini
The Rebel
Mkeeni Danced In The Lightning
The Lizard And The Fox Watched Tikipii Dance
Maapulu The Moon Went For A Walk With Tiiki The Wandering Star
It Was The Last Thing Uutu Expected
Umbutu Danced For The Moon
Miipi Wondered What It Was? It Was Takas' Tail.
Bratutu Danced Beneath The Rani Tree
Banitaa Weighed Up The Choices
For Maakasuu Time Was Running Out
Saami Guided The Makini
Maapu Sat Thirsty At The Water Hole!
Kefuu Knew Other Things Lived There
Kamibbeewaa stared at Unnunko the bound
ALL ARTWORK IS (C) 2014 Terry Hooper-Scharf